
Aromatherapy, sometimes called essential oil therapy, is a holistic healing method that uses plant extracts. The extracts, also called essential oils, are used aromatically to improve one’s well-being by enhancing health related to the mind, body, & spirit.  

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Essential oils have been used throughout the world since ancient times. Precious oils like Frankincense, Cedarwood, and Myrrh have even been referenced in the bible and ancient texts. Considered valuable throughout history, oils have been used in many ways, often holding symbolic value. I love how the rich aromas support grounded feelings and aid one on their spiritual journey of well-being. Here are six oils I consistently turn to for such support in my practice and home.

Though aromatherapy has been a practice for thousands of years, it has recently gained more attention within the past few decades as a viable and effective holistic treatment and a standard addition to spa treatments.

Aromatherapy uses the sense of smell and the absorption of our skin. This can be done in several different ways, which makes it a perfect addition to spa treatments. Not only can it improve skin, but it too can reduce stress, headaches, anxiety, & support an over-all sense of well-being. This is exactly what I look to provide my clients.

In my practice and in my home, I choose only the highest-grade oils. I have done my homework and I have found Young Living to be my go-to for quality. Because they have been so effective in my experience, I have developed a passion and love for these precious products.

Frankincense is often considered the “king of essential oils.” Valued more than gold, Frankincense has been traded around the Middle East and Africa for more than 5,000 years. In many parts of the world, it is considered a holy anointing oil and has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies. Frankincense’s earthy, uplifting aroma is perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness.

Sacred Frankincense
Sacred Frankincense is steam distilled from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree in Oman. Like Frankincense, it’s rich, woodsy aroma is a perfect companion for mediation. Apply on your wrists during your next meditation session to take your experience to a higher level.

The biblical Cedars of Lebanon are the Cedrus libani, which are very closely related to the cedars in contemporary Cedarwood oil. Historically, ancient Egyptians used Cedarwood oil in ceremonial rites. Young Living’s Cedarwood oil comes from Morocco, and it is steam distilled from the bark of the tree. Cedarwood is a key ingredient in Grounding™, Sacred Mountain, and Highest Potential™. Enjoy the soothing, honey-like aroma while you study scriptures or enjoy a quiet moment in the evening.

Myrrh essential oil is known for its sweet aroma and luxurious properties. Anciently, this oil was popular in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Its calming, complex aroma brings a deeper sense of spirituality to practices such as yoga and meditation.

Cassia essential oil comes from the same family as Cinnamon and has a warm, spicy aroma. In biblical times, Cassia was a key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship. This loved oil is a part of Young Living’s Oils of Ancient Scripture set. Create a calm and comforting aroma by adding to a glass bottle with water. Spritz in any desired space.

Egyptian Gold
Egyptian Gold is a warm, woodsy blend that combines the most valuable essences from the Middle East and Central Europe. In this small bottle, you can enjoy the aroma of several powerful oils including: Frankincense, Myrrh, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cedarwood, and Rose. It is no surprise why this blend of ancient biblical oils has been used by many to enhance moments of devotion and reverence.

