
Beauty is one of those words that you can ask a hundred different people the definition, and you can be pretty certain you will get a hundred different responses. Traditionally speaking, it means aesthetically pleasing. And while I agree that this obviously is quite true, I feel our own personal experiences, life itself, evolves and shapes what we find beautiful or what beauty even is.

For me, it is my Grandmothers hands working in a batch of dough, the way my daughter's freckles dance when she giggles at something she probably shouldn’t, or the way a sun filled breeze moves the curtains on a lazy Sunday afternoon. One of my earliest memories of being taken by beauty was watching my mom put on make-up in the bathroom mirror, how she with a sure hand drew lines, blended, and did so with an artist’s confidence. She looked strong and stunning, my own real life Wonder Woman.

Perhaps this is why I feel a strong draw to the field of aesthetics. Helping women on their path to healthful beauty, the best kind, is what I strive to do every day. This is exactly what I hope to bring to you following your time spent with me, empowerment, well-being, and a sense of peace and tranquility.

Warm Wishes, 


My Philosophy

I subscribe to the philosophy that women should have available to them a safe, holistic method of self and beauty care both inspired, informed, and implemented with ease in one’s daily routine. That knowledge and community are the best ways to empower ourselves and others to express our inner and outer beauty.

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