Spring Skin

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So, I’ve heard tales of this thing called “spring”. Something between summer and winter when the sun and rain take turns coaxing the green back into the landscape. I guess its warmer too from what I hear. Here in the upper Midwest, there is no such thing this year. In fact, today was grey, cold, and snowy. Yep, snowy. April, you are drunk, go home.

Even though it doesn’t feel like spring, I am whipping out the Thieves, unloading closets, and picking out which one of my lucky kids gets to wash the base boards. Spring cleaning folks! But, my home isn’t the only thing I am sprucing up this weekend, I will also be spring cleansing my skin. Like Chicago, many regions in the winter are dryer and/or colder, wreaking havoc on the skin. Skin becomes dryer these months making for a duller complexion. And before we don shorts and tanks and stop hiding behind layers of sweaters and scarves, I have a few tips to change things up and get that glow back!

Usually spring is where we want to go a little lighter on the moisturizer and switch up your serum. My favorite serums for spring skin care include vitamin C. I love the way it makes my skin glow. Even if your using a great holistic moisturizer, I always recommend to my clients to switch up their products to get more of a bang. Your skin gets use to the same thing and doesn’t respond as effectively after a long period of time on the same product. So, try something different within the line. A lighter moisturizer or a mask can make a big difference.

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Exfoliating needs to be part of your routine no matter what month it is, but spring is where we really need it most. Dead skin cells have accumulated from winter and it’s time to brighten things up. Avoid shells, micro beads, and apricot pits. These are too harsh and cause microscopic tears in the skin. This is an esthetician’s worse nightmare. I always recommend you buy scrubs, not make them. Make certain it’s safe for your skin and formulated right for your skin type. My personal favorite is the Satin Mint Face Scrub by Young Living. If you’re not a member of YL, this scrub is a great reason to be. To learn more about becoming a member click here. Two times weekly is all you need to keep your skin looking fresh.







This is also the time of year I recommend everyone have a professional facial. If you’re seeing a holistic esthetician, they can do deeper peeling with certain enzymes and products. Facials are recommended every 4-6 weeks, but if you can’t swing that, always at least aim for one at the start of spring.




Spring is also a good time to consider upping your SPF game as well. Make sure you’re using a good one, free of unsafe chemicals. Harmful chemicals can cause all sorts of issues on the skin, working against all your good intended efforts. Look for ones with zinc oxide and skip the harsh, nasty stuff. Young Living came out with one last summer that saved us! It literally took all summer to use up and my skin loved it.

With that being said, water, water, water. Your skin cells need water to function optimally just as much as the rest of your body. I will be going into depth on hydration in upcoming posts, stay tuned. Until then, let’s get spring ready (even if spring isn’t necessarily ready for us)!










Get Your Glow Back Mask

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Kimberly Esposito