Why Chemical Free?

Why you should choose chemical free skincare and makeup?

I get asked this question a lot. What most tend to forget is that our skin is our largest organ. It matters just as much what you apply ON your skin as much as what you put IN your body. Your skin absorbs it all and it’s filtered through your liver. It takes about 26 seconds for chemicals in your products to reach your blood stream. Many of us are using products filled with harmful chemicals and are experiencing side effects we might not even be aware of. So, let’s school you on why the “Why” is so important.


First let’s talk about regulation of the beauty industry in the United States. We as a country have not updated regulations for this 62-billion-dollar industry since 1938. We are finally gaining headway on Capitol Hill with the personal care products regulation act, but it may not be soon enough. Many of us are tricked into buying into hot words like “all natural”, “botanical” or “pure” but it may not be true. The law does not require cosmetic products to list ingredients, other than color additives before its stamped with the FDA approval for the market. Crazy, right???!!! That’s why we as women who make up the majority of this rising industry need to do our homework and be the advocate for us and our families.

Let’s chat chemicals, specifically harmful chemicals. It’s a fact that as a woman you could and most likely are putting over 200 plus chemicals a day on your body. Let me tell you about the top offenders.

Lead- Found in most lipsticks, toothpaste and makeup, it can cause neurotoxcity, seizures, and kidney dysfunction as well as reproductive problems. Goodbye Red Lipstick, you are no longer my friend.

Talc- I am sure you have heard of this one. It’s the leading ingredient in baby powder but found in most makeup. Johnson and Johnson settled a lawsuit concerning baby powder and its devastation it can cause. Talc has an eerie similarity with asbestos, which has the potential to be a carcinogenic. It can cause skin irritation and organ system toxicity.

Parabens- This is a big one folks, and it’s found in almost every beauty product on the market, and every product that contains water.  Even though it was banned over a decade ago in Europe, we still allow it here in the states.  They disrupt hormones and can potentially cause cancer.

Formaldehyde- found in baby shampoo, nail polish, and liquid soap. This chemical can be inhaled as well as absorbed through the skin. Prolonged exposure to this can cause cancer.

Fragrance- Which is found in most everything, trust me … look. Sounds harmless, right? Not likely, unless pure essential oils are used to fragrant a product. Hundreds of chemicals could be hidden under the term “fragrance”. Companies aren’t required to list the ingredients that make up fragrance.


Phthalates- found in many detergents, air fresheners and body sprays. These all disrupt hormones and can cause liver injury.


Bismuth- found on most makeup, it’s used as a filler that can cause skin irritation.

Let’s also remember nutrients. Choosing cleaner products will give you a higher absorption rate of good nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Add essential oils and talk about frequency! Hello.  For more information visit www.safecosmetics.com

I also like to mention our beloved planet when I talk clean products. Harmful chemicals not only wreak havoc on our bodies and skin, but our planet. Just think of how many times you used a chemical filled beauty product and washed it right down the sink or shower. Ingredients like Palm Oil (added into many beauty products) and the ethics behind how it’s made are truly sad. Check out more on this at onegreenplanet.org


So, is choosing chemical free beauty products worth the money? With the given information, I would say yes. In many cases they are no more expensive than something you would pick up from you drug store. I always tell my clients; the more pure and concentrated product will go much further than a product that has been watered down with nasty harmful chemicals. You will also see lasting results and quicker. Think of chemicals as junk food, would you want to keep applying junk food to your skin? No, so why not invest in you?

This is a subject I am wildly passionate about and have spent many hours researching. This is WHY I choose Young Living products in my practice and in my home. Young Living is more than just essential oils. They offer over 600 products and many of them are for personal care use. I know that using YL products I don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals and its completely safe for my kids.

Young Living has

-no gluten

-no nano-particles

-no metals

-no synthetic dyes

-no fragrances

-no bismuth

-no parabens

-no phthalates

-no lead

-no formaldehyde



Be proactive and share this blog for a chance to win a Savvy Lipgloss by Young Living.

Here is how you can enter go to Instagram and find @theoilyesthetician give me a follow, a like on today’s post and a comment. Winner wins a lip gloss with essential oil benefits!

If you’re not a Young Living member and want to know how to get started with any of their products, I would love to help!

Contact me at kimberly@theoilyesthetician.com

Young Living has many ways to start including a cute makeup starter kit that gives you 24% off anything Young Living for life. I would love to help you not only change your skin, but your health. Remember we don’t have to sacrifice our health for beauty.

Kimberly Esposito