We Can Do It

What do we do when we've lost our mojo? I can honestly say that I have never really been depressed before. Yes, sure I have had plenty of sad moments and hard times in my life. I lost my Mom three years ago and that came with challenges and a new perspective on life, but had I ever been truly depressed before? Previously I have always found a way to push on through and I pride myself in being a safe spot and a supportive ally to those battling depression.


However, in March I was mad, really mad. My business I love so much was completely taken from me. My clients I adore, I couldn't see. I could not fuel my passion. Somewhere along the way I lost my creativeness. I was depressed. Depressed for my kids, my loss of business, and loss of humanity. Seeing others struggle was heartbreaking. 

But now it is time. As my Mom always said, "It's time to quit feeling sorry for yourself and pull up your big girl pants." She really knew how to put things into perspective real quick when you were wallowing in self-pity. 

That being said, I along with my extremely talented sister have been collaborating on a few things special we are so excited to share soon. Beauty tips, books, perspective, motherhood, and lots of giggles coming your way soon. It's been nice to work on me for a while and now I'd love to share what I have learned and help you all through a tough time or at the very least, make you smile. Here’s to picking ourselves up, dusting off, and moving forward with a little more wisdom, a little more know-how, and looking fabulous while doing so.

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Kimberly Esposito